About Us
If you asked Grandma Ann what made her kugelis so delicious, she would surely have turned a little pink and said, “Well, it’s all about how you grate the potatoes.”
Grandma Ann
There really was a Grandma Ann who lived in the Marquette Park area of Chicago. She learned how to make kugelis—a delicious potato “pudding”—from her Lithuanian mother— and sisters-in-law who took her under their wing and taught her how to make all their favorite “old country” recipes. People from all over the neighborhood used to come and enjoy Grandma Ann’s kugelis, and the reason was simple—because it was the best! (Which is really saying something in a Lithuanian neighborhood!)Grandma Ann’s Kugelis has always been a staple at family dinners and holiday celebrations. It is the one dish that EVERYONE of all ages enjoys...and hurries to for seconds. Over the years, it has been more than just a tasty potato side—it represents my Grandma being with us still at every family gathering. While Grandma Ann may no longer be in the kitchen to greet us with her warm smile, her favorite recipe sure is!
Making a Better Grater
Over time we’ve improved the design by listening to our customers and staying true to Grandma Ann’s original electric grater.

1. The Inspiration

2. Our First Grater

3. Our New Model
Our Inspiration

Grandma Ann
Helping Grandma with the preparation was one of the highest “honors” amongst her grandchildren, and this grater stands as a symbol of that. Grandma Ann’s best ingredient was the laughter and love that she shared with her family. Having Grandma Ann’s grater will truly bring you that special ingredient, too!

Grating Potatoes
Grandma Ann would grate 10 lbs of potatoes at a time. Her secret weapon? Her hand-made electric potato grater. Her ingenuity lead us to make it a real kitchen tool. And now you can grate it like Grandma, with Grandma Ann's Electric Grater.

The Original Recipe
Grandma Ann was famous for her kugelis, a traditional Lithuanian dish made with potatoes. It's won many awards but the trick is to quickly grate your potatoes. Try it for yourself.

Share Your Story With Us
We love to hear your family traditions, your favourite recipees,and
how you use your Grandma Ann's Electric Grater.